2025 Yoga Study Programme – Weekend Retreats

Testing Yoga

“All is clouded by desire: as fire by smoke, as a mirror by dust, as an unborn babe by its covering.”

 Bhagavad Gita

“This world is composed of reality and unreality and bears throughout the stamp of its origin (the Almighty); it is composed of unity and duality, yet is free from both.”



2025 Theme:

Karma – A question of agency?

‘”The universe exist in the order that the experiencer may experience it, and thus become liberated.”


Yoga Sutra Verse 18, Chapter 2

2025 Weekend Retreats


Yoga Room

24-26 January 2025Cleansing Yoga Weekend.   (FULLY BOOKED)

* This retreat is open to the Yoga Study program participants for the regular price as below. Contact Marlene to inquire.


18-20 April 2025 Yoga Study Programme

20-22 June 2025 Yoga Study Programme

25-27 September 2025 Yoga Study Programme

21-23 November 2025 Yoga Study Programme







Yoga weekend Ireland



1. Who is this course for, and why it is different?

2. The Yoga Study Programme course – what is included and the price

3. Introduction of the programme, and its Objective, History, Function and Format

4. Feedback from past participants







The word Yoga means to realize the wisdom of pure awareness.

This course is for people who are interested in educating themselves and expanding their view of the world.

This course is for people who are curious, who are excited by exploring provocative ideas in an open-minded way.

There is no previous knowledge of yoga required.


This course is democratic and self-regulating, meaning that the structure is designed based on the participants point of inquiry when they join, and how Yoga, and its concepts is showing up in their life right now. Through the open discussion the participants set the tone for the weekend, and add a unique offering of their knowledge to the course.





This programme runs over 4 residential weekends during the year* (*with an optional participation in the January 2025 Cleansing Yoga Retreat)


These weekends can be participated in a one by one basis. Starting Friday evening at 7pm and finishing after lunch on Sunday 3pm. Teaching, accommodation and food all included.


All of our food is vegetarian (not vegan, we cook with eggs and honey) and homemade without the use of stock cubes. We use home grown herbs and vegetables, non-Chinese honey as well as our own baked bread. We can cook dairy-free/gluten free/wheat free for no extra charge. There is a surcharge of 50 euro per person per weekend for additional dietary requirements.


The format and price for the whole course has remained the same as previous years. Fees are negotiable in cases of economic hardship. It is important that money does not become the reason not to participate.


€295 for per person sharing with bathroom en-suite
€245 euro for per person sharing without bathroom en-suite (bathroom is located in the main house)
€345 euro for a single private room with bathroom en-suite




  • 7pm Dinner
  • 8.30pm Group meeting and setting of theme
  • 9.30pm – 10.30pm Yoga practice


  • 8am – 9.30am Yoga Practice
  • 9.30am – 10am Meditation
  • 10.00am – 11.30pm Breakfast
  • 11.30pm – 13.00pm Presentation
  • 13.00pm –  14pm Practice
  • 14pm – 15pm Lunch
  • 15pm – 17pm Walk
  • 17 pm – 18pm Philosophy
  • 18pm – 19.30pm Yoga Practice
  • 19.30pm – 20.30pm Dinner
  • 20.30pm – 22pm Group Process/Presentation/Film


  • 8.30am – 10am Yoga Practice
  • 10am – 11.30am Breakfast
  • 11.30am – 12.30am Group process
  • 12.30pm – 13.30pm Practice
  • 13.30pm – 15pm Lunch

Note: This schedule is somewhat flexible and can be changed according to the needs of the group.

Guest feedback – “If I won the lottery, I’d hire a chef to make all my food like this”




The object of study in Yoga is WHO AM I?

The aim is described in Yoga Sutra’s Chapter I, the method is described in the Chapter II and its results recorded in Chapter III and IV.

What makes yoga different though is that yoga is a personal practice. We can talk, write and do research about yoga but without personal practice we cannot testify to its efficacy.

Yoga has to be practiced in order for its philosophical support to be understood.


In other words the theory of yoga cannot be applied. It is through the practice that the spiritual underpinning reveals itself. In yoga we become our practice. If we only practice on the physical plane, we will become more physical. If we want to become more spiritual, or operate on a higher mental plane, we practice for the mind and on the mind.


Research in yoga is always subjective and its practice brings one to the abyss of what may be known. We practice yoga with faith but without giving up the scientific spirit.


Even though yoga is a solitary practice, nobody can practice for us, the support of the community cannot be underestimated. So the goal for this YSP is how do we create and support a community in which yoga might happen.

Yoga Weekend Ireland

Yoga Chalet in Slí na Bandé




This programme creates a space for exploring yoga and its practice. It aims to provide a space to investigate provocative ideas, thought-provoking theories and to learn about ourselves as well as the world around us. The programme actively engages with the beliefs and concepts that tend to inspire us and ground our practice but also with those we disagree. It is designed to stimulate our curiosity and to help us formulate our own possibly contrasting notions.



The Yoga Study Programme has been running annually since 2000. Over the years, it has investigated what our yoga practice is all about. Is it the skill of the craftsman? Is it a trade? Is it a knowledge that can be transmitted from a master to a student? Is it the search for the ideal?

Some participants have been with this programme since its inception, which says something about their commitment, the value of participants’ contribution and the merit of the programme in terms of the opportunities it offers for study and for self-exploration.



The programme aims to create a community that is interested in research/investigation. Over the years we have formed a group of practitioners that support and aid the development and learning process of all participants. The close-knit dynamic of our long term practitioners breeds a greater level of openness and sharing which is extended to newcomers alike.  This group is different because participants get invited to contribute their skills and knowledge to the programme.

The course is culturally informed. In the past, people have contributed their knowledge of Irish Mythology, Theory of Evolution, and education in Irish monuments.



Programme participation is set up in an eminently democratic way and the course encourages each member’s singular exploration of the metaphysical aspects of yoga.  It is indexed simply on the interest each participant has in the practice of yoga and the desire to come to grips with the teachings. There will be a number of presentations by those already involved in the programme, sharing from their own experience and learning. There will be opportunities for all participants to present their interpretations and questions.

The philosophical concepts introduced in the programme are occasionally supported by showing contemporary films. These films are used as the platform to spark discussion.

Examples of films watched on previous weekends include –



“A appreciation received on 30/11/2016:

Hi Marlene

Thank you for the email. I came to one of your weekends this time last year. It was my birthday on the Sunday. It was my birthday again yesterday and add i was reflecting on the year I knew I had to thank you.

The weekend last year changed so much for me, or maybe it cleared a lot up. Either way, I’ve had a fantastic year and I attribute this to the magical weekend in Slí na Bande.

I’m away this weekend but I’m hoping to come early in 2017 for a weekend.

So thank you again, I hope 2016 treated you well. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year and hopefully I’ll see you in 2017.


Yoga Retreats Ireland

For language to have meaning, there must be intervals of silence somewhere, to divide word from word and utterance from utterance. He who retires into silence does not necessarily hate language. Perhaps it is love and respect for language which imposes silence upon him. For the mercy of God is not heard in words unless it is heard, both before and after the words are spoken, in silence.”

Thomas Merton, Philosophy of Silence.


‘Humanity’s Phase Shift’, Daniel Schmachtenberger


Now is the time – Hafiz

Now is the time to know
That all that you do is sacred.
Now, why not consider
A lasting truce with yourself and God.
Now is the time to understand
That all your ideas of right and wrong
Were just a child’s training wheels
To be laid aside
When you can finally live
With veracity
And love.

My dear, please tell me,
Why do you still
Throw sticks at your heart
And God?
What is it in that sweet voice inside
That incites you to fear?
Now is the time for the world to know
That every thought and action is sacred
This is the time
For you to deeply compute the impossibility
That there is anything
But Grace.
Now is the season to know
That everything you do
Is sacred.





If they had taught us Math using this method, I think most of us would have enjoyed it a lot more!
By David Wolfe