Thought Of The Day
“Mindfulness meditation doesn't change life. Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as ever. Meditation changes the heart's capacity to accept life as it is.”
Sylvia Boorstein
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The Way of the Goddess – Divine Feminine Retreat – 14-16 Aug 2020


Nicky Halliday and Niamh Devine have joined forces to create a truly unique women’s gathering that will nourish your mind, body and soul through movement, meditation, plant journeying, energy work and sound healing, complimented by the tastiest and healthiest tailored vegetarian food.

The Way of the Goddess retreat will introduce you to the aspects of the Divine Feminine where you will learn to connect with, and embody your own inner Goddess, embracing your sacredness, intuition, sensuality, nature and connection.

Recreating ancient times, we invite you home to be part of this circle of like-minded women, embarking on a soulful journey together where you will emerge re-energised, re-aligned and more in touch with your true nature, embodying your Divine Feminine.



3pm Arrival
Tea & Treat
Welcome Circle
Yin Yoga with Reiki & Tibetan Sound Bowls


Yin Yang Yoga
Plant Spirit Medicine
Light Lunch
Cacao Ceremony
Fire Song Circle


Kriya yoga
Loving Kindness Meditation
Closing Circle


Booking Information

Price for Full Weekend €295

(this price has been discounted due to Covid 19, if you feel you can give up to €350 it will be greatly appreciated)

Early Bird €285 first 4 to book

Prices include Accommodation, Classes and all Meals

Enquiries & Bookings

Limited Spaces due to Covid – 19

Nicky +353 877541993

Niamh +353 871127193

More info: