Thought Of The Day
“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all”
Yogi Bhajan
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Transformational Breath®

Claire & Michael

Claire & Michael
from Transformational Breath®

Transformational Breath® is a self-empowerment tool – from co-founder Judith Kravitz (USA) author of  “Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly” – and is designed to open your breathing pattern, clear restrictions, transform negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions – allowing for more expressions of joy in your life.

  • Sunday 29th March : 7.00 – 9.30pm Introductory WorkshopPDF File
  • Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th April : Personal Training Level I – PDF File
    • Non Residential (on-site accommodation available if you require)
      €350 Tuition Fee (incl. Training Manual) 8.45am to 6.30pm Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm Sunday
      Option: €12 vegetarian lunch each day.
  • Thursday 21st to Sunday 24th May : Personal Training Levels II & III
    • Mental/Emotional & Spiritual Levels – Residential
      €700 Tuition Fee (incl. Training Manual) 8.45am Registration Thursday. Ends 6.00pm Sunday
      Note: Level I is a pre-requisite for attending Levels II & III.

Early Bird: Avail of a 10% Discount if €200 booking deposit is paid by 25th February 2015.
Terms & Conditions Apply.

For booking and further information, contact Michael or Claire.