Thought Of The Day
“…Now is the time for the world to know
That every thought and action is sacred.

This is the time
For you to deeply compute the impossibility
That there is anything
But Grace.

Now is the season to know
That everything you do Is sacred.”
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Irish Organic Resouces

Irish Organic Farmer’s Association –

IOFGA (Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association) is Ireland’s leading organic certification body dedicated to certifying organic produce and products throughout Ireland.

The Organic Trust –

The Organic Trust was founded in Ireland in 1991 by a core group of dedicated organic producers including some of the pioneers of organic production in Ireland.

Organic Matters Magazine –

Organic Matters is published bi-monthly by the Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association (IOFGA). Each issue is available through Easons and WNS distribution, from many wholefood shops and market stalls around the country, and by subscription.


The Organic Center –

Our aim is to promote organic gardening and sustainable living through training, demonstration and the provision of information.

Irish Farmers Markets –

An online guide to farmer’s markets in Ireland.

Organic Guide For Ireland –

The Organic Guide to Ireland is the definitive guide to Licensed Organic Products & Services for sale to the public on the Island of Ireland. All listed organisations are certified organic.


GM-Free Ireland –

The GM-free Ireland Network is an association of individuals and organisations collaborating to keep the island of Ireland off-limits to the environmental release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) including viruses, algae, bacteria, seeds, crops, trees, insects, molluscs, crustaceans, fish, poultry and livestock.

Permaculture Ireland –

To promote permaculture across Ireland, in the form of positive solutions to environmental problems, towards the creation of greater sustainability and a more permanent culture.

Irish Seed Savers Association –

Protect, conserve & utilise Irish plant genetic resources including rare heritage seeds, grains, vegetables & fruit.  Promote agricultural biodiversity for food security.  Educate the public on agricultural biodiversity and food security through information and workshops. Research seed, grain, vegetable and fruit varieties suited to Ireland’s temperate maritime climate.

Environmental Protection Agency –

In Ireland, the Environmental Protection Agency protects the environment through its licensing, enforcement and monitoring activities.

Absolutely Organic –

Distributor of organics.  Absolutely Organic is very committed to Local Organic Farmers and Growers. Our policy is to source Irish organic produce whenever possible, even if more expensive than its imported equivalent.

Home Organics –

Organic delivery in the Dublin area.  We are a small family-run business started by Sarah Merrigan and Paul Fingleton in 2002.


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