Thought Of The Day
“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all”
Yogi Bhajan
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OSHO® Meditation Weekend – 25-27 Sept 2015

OSHO® Mini Pune Weekend

Who is Osho?osho

Osho is an enlightened Master who created a new meditative path which brings together the silence of the East and the celebration of the West to create a fusion which he calls Zorba the Buddha. His meditations use the path of meditation and silence and the path of love and celebration to bring about awareness and no-mind.

What are OSHO® active meditations?

Osho’s first and most famous meditation is OSHO® Dynamic Meditation and it is only done in the early morning. It uses both effort and meditation. Osho believed that for many, the body needs to be active first, to throw out its junk and go through catharsis before a person can drop into silence. Osho created a number of meditations, some silent but most are active. Each meditation is supported by original music that was created by Osho and a series of stages that brings about transformation in the meditator.

For more information about the previous OSHO® weekends in Slí Na Bandé, please read about our previous event