TTIP Stalled, Increase Pressure
A vote on the TTIP Trade Agreements which could be disastrous for the rights of EU citizens was postponed. The agreement was negotiated by the EU Commission’s INTA Committee and their American counterparts.
MEPs should now be targeted to ensure that the rights of  EU citizens are protected as the most important issue and not as a PR fudge, bent to the will of multinational corporation profit.
Please send the following email or something of your own composition to your local political representative.
Dear Elected Representatives,
Our MEPs will soon have to decide on a resolution that could heavily impact the future of Irish and EU citizens: the resolution on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The draft resolution voted in the INTA Committee on 28 May has completely betrayed the people of Ireland.
If allowed to go ahead, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP) will undermine some of our most important social and environmental standards, such as labour rights, food safety risks (including restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms), regulations on toxic chemicals and digital privacy laws. In addition, the official impact assessment calculates that at least one million people will lose their jobs as a direct result of TTIP.
As a citizen of Ireland I am particularly concerned at the inclusion of health services within TTIP and the impact this could have on our health services. The European Commission has confirmed that health services are on the table in the EU-US negotiations, and that private health companies will have new powers to sue Irish taxpayers for loss of profits by means of an investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism. TTIP poses an unacceptable threat to our public services, and to our democracy itself.
My message to you is clear. I call on you to put pressure on our Irish MEPs to agree on a strong resolution that makes clear that the European Parliament will reject TTIP and any future trade or investment agreements that will not serve the public interest and threaten important rights acquired in long democratic struggles in the EU, US and the rest of the world.
The people lent you your power, don’t steal it and give it away to private interests.
Yours sincerely