Thought Of The Day
“Now is the time to know
That all that you do is sacred.

Now is the time to understand
That all your ideas of right and wrong
Were just a child’s training wheels
To be laid aside
When you can finally live
With veracity
And love.”
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Bloom – Open Floor Movement Retreat – 28-30 April




At the approach of Bealtaine, as the growth cycle turns towards early summer, this weekend retreat is an invitation to step out of daily life and into the sanctuary that is offered by the wild nature and beautiful surroundings of Sli na Bande.

This time of year is one of transition, when the life-giving and refreshing energy of the sun is climbing higher in the sky and nature begins to come into bloom. This retreat is designed to encourage us to pause, to listen and to allow what is seeking expression through us to emerge in a safe and supportive environment.

Drawing upon the resources of free form movement meditation, breath work, enquiry, time in nature and rest, we will cultivate attitudes of compassion and curiosity as we journey within and with each other.

Through dance as embodied meditation we meet the intelligence of the life force moving through us and offer it into motion; this opens doorways to our essential self and helps us to awaken and align with what matters most to us. We will take time to engage in practices and ritual to enliven the vital and sexual energy that ignites our passion to create and brings our truth, medicine and gifts into form. As we listen for what is arising within us and open to its blossoming in our lives we can access our innate ability to heal and transform what has bound us into energy that helps us shift from fearful or stuck positions into more fluid, joyful and creative ways of being in our lives.

This retreat is open to all and no previous experience is required. As numbers for the retreat are limited and they are usually fully booked it is recommended to book your place early.

Price includes accommodation, all meals and optional hot tub/sauna.

€365 / €345 (booked by April 16th)

Bookings can be made through our page or by email to