Mindful Mums Retreat, 10-11 Aug 2019
Mums: When was the last time you had time to yourself to truly relax, rest and replenish? Our guess is a long time ago. Have you been craving a space to reflect on and process your experience of motherhood so far? Would you like a weekend of radical self-care just for you?
If the answer is yes to the above, this weekend retreat promises to be just the tonic for you.
Being a mother can be overwhelming and exhausting. Despite the rewards, the demands of motherhood can be relentless, leaving us mothers feeling depleted, frazzled, overstretched. Added to the mix, our guess is that your life has changed 360º and you have become disconnected from your previous sense of self and are struggling to forge a new sense of self that integrates being a mother as well as elements of your previous identity.
Treat yourself to an all-inclusive 2-day nurturing escape in the beautiful hills of Wicklow.
Facilitated by Leigh Brady & Karen Jeffares, both yoga & meditation teachers as well as mums themselves, this retreat offers mums a chance to immerse themselves in two full days and one night of deep rest, relaxation and replenishment through yoga, meditation, sound healing and a safe space for reflection on your experience of motherhood so far. Participants will be treated to delicious home-cooked vegetarian food, with access to an outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, nature trails, massage and other therapies. Places limited to 15 participants. No prior experience in yoga or meditation needed.
*For mums who prefer not to leave baby overnight, there are 4 spaces available to bring baby and a partner/childminder along for an extra 120 EUR, sharing a double bed. Bring your own travel cot and baby food. For babies aged 12 months and younger.
For more information on what’s included, pricing, tickets, schedule, FAQ and the team, go to:
Or contact the co-organisers, Leigh or Karen by phone/email:
Leigh: 0860875219; Karen: 0860365977