Thought Of The Day
“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all”
Yogi Bhajan
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Becoming Visible – Open Floor movement weekend 17-19 July 2020


All of us enter the world through the gateway of the female body, carried and birthed by the innate intelligence and life giving force of the womb. This residential weekend retreat is an invitation to women at all stages of cycles to gather in circle, to move, to explore and to be still. During the weekend we will engage through womb-centric movement journeys with the potency and mystery of the female sexual cycles as reservoirs of sacred, natural and healing life force energy.

Open Floor movement is an embodiment dance practice, an enjoyable pathway to the essential self that focuses on how to resource ourselves in modern day living through connection with our body wisdom.

As we move towards the festival of Bealtine (mouth of fire) and celebration of what is coming into bloom in nature, we will listen for what is becoming visible within us and how to support its emergence and blossoming in our lives. Taking time to engage in practices that awaken and enliven the vital and sexual energy that ignites our passion to create and bring our truth, medicine and gifts into form.

We will be well nourished by nature, delicious food, good company and an optional outdoor hot tub.

With our feet planted in the earth and an aligned mind we can make a choice for wholehearted, embodied living where we can express the full force of our creativity and be here now…in all our beauty.

All women are welcome and no previous experience of movement meditation or conscious dance is required.

€315 / €285 (discount if booked by June 24th)
Place secured with a €75 deposit.

Carol is an accredited counsellor, movement therapist and Open Floor teacher, drawing on 19 years of study and training in embodied movement and dance meditation practices. Trained as a body worker and energy healer she brings these qualities into her work to support us to embody our physical reality along with those of our heart, mind and soul.

For more information on her work please visit…